According to INEGI data in 2015, the state of San Luis Potosí
housed 257 thousand, 976 older adults, which represents 9.9% of its
According to official figures, in 2015 in the State of Aguascalientes
Under the slogan "Active and Healthy Aging", on the 26th, 27th and 28th of
September 2019, the Regional Congress of Geriatrics and
Gerontology number 19, at the same time the First Central Congress was also held
Bajío of Geriatrics and Gerontology. The events were organized by the Faculty
of Medicine of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí.
During the 3 days that the events lasted, the importance of the
older adults in our society, since life expectancy has
increased considerably nationally and internationally. In addition, it turned out
It is important to discuss topics such as leading a healthy life, the treatment that is
should give to diseases and how desirable it is for people to reach
an advanced age with economic tranquility and in the best conditions,
so that this stage of life is enjoyable and they have a dignified ageing.
Hopefully more events like this are held in our country, as it is necessary
raise awareness in society about the importance of including adults
seniors in our daily lives.
Every October 16, World Food Day is celebrated, according to the
definition given by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Agriculture (FAO, for its acronym in English) Healthy Eating, is that
that provides all the essential nutrients and energy that each person needs
to stay healthy. While the Economic Rights Committee,
Social and Cultural in its General Comment 12 defines that the Right to
Adequate Nutrition, is exercised when every man, woman or child, whether only
or in common with others, has physical and economic access, at all times, to the
adequate food or the means to obtain it.
In this framework, students of the Food Engineering Career of the
Faculty of Chemistry Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, designed
"Darobi" a food product that meets the nutritional requirements
required by older adults. This product was designed because
there are few food items on the market that are focused on
the Gray Market and that they meet the nutrients that this sector needs.
The product is a nutritional powder that is based on the seeds of the Yaca fruit,
due to the amount of protein that it contributes to the organism, it is also given with great
abundance in the state. The students have thought of everything, because besides

It is designed as a powder to dissolve in water, as they know very well that many
Older adults have a hard time chewing food to be ingested.
Every day, young people become more aware of the importance that
older adults have in our society, therefore supporting the products
innovators such as Darobi, will be of vital importance, because in this way not only
we support Mexican research, we also make it easier for people to
older adults do their basic needs in a simpler way, and
We contribute to ensuring that the Human Rights of this sector are respected.

In 2015 in San Luis Potosí there were
older adults

because in recent years there has been an important demographic change at the

of the total population of the state
The days
September 26, 27 and 28, 2019
was carried out
Regional Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology

INAPAM. (2015). Demographic, Epidemiological and Social Profile of the Adult Population
Mayor in the Country, a Public Policy Proposal. National Institute of People
Older Adults. Mexico. Retrieved from the web:
The Sun of Saint Louis. (2019). Improving the quality of life of older adults, topics
priority: JMCL. The Sun of Saint Louis. Mexico. Obtained from the web:
White B. (2019). XIX Regional Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Hello Saint Louis.
Mexico. Obtained from the web:
General Comment 12, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. (1999).
Right to Food. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Agriculture. Italy. Obtained from the web:
FAO. (s.f.). Glossary of terms. United Nations Organization for
Food and Agriculture. Italy. Obtained from the web:
The universal. (2020). UASLP students design nutritional powder for adults
greater. The Universal San Luis Potosi. Mexico. Obtained from the web:
Alpha Publishers. (2020). Darobi: Nutritional Powder for Older Adults. Alpha Editors
Technicians. Mexico. Obtained from the web:



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