According to official figures in the State of Nuevo León in the year there were 407
1,278 older adults, which represents 8.7% of its total population.
Considered as the state, with the highest life expectancy of all the
Mexican republic.
Due to the concern that exists in the State to protect people from the
third age, in 2018 the State Institute for Adults was created
Mayores (IEPAM), with the purpose of providing older adults with activities
productive, fair wages, permanent or temporary assistance and a dignified life
and with quality, that ensures the attention of your needs. during its existence
have carried out various activities focused on improving the quality
of life of the elderly.
One of the most important events that it has organized was the Second Meeting
"Without Limits" that was held on November 23, 2019 in the Great Hall of
Cintermex, Monterrey, whose main focus was healthy aging and
Its primary objectives were to promote better public policies so that the
older adults have a dignified and full aging, and place the
issue on the public agenda.
At the meeting, proposals were shared and analyzed to improve the quality of
lives of the elderly, who encourage and promote a more
full. At the same time, that a fairer society be built for all
sectors of the population, since for the state government, it is important that the
old age means health, inclusion, active and permanent participation, and services
The event had free admission, and managed to bring together more than one hundred experts,
academics, representatives of the public, social and private sectors, who enjoyed
access to master conferences and workshops where they shared their
experiences on the topics. And it was also designed to be an event
intergenerational, because in it, young people and adults lived together where they shared
Due to the interest that the government has expressed for this vulnerable sector,
presented at the event the Gerontological State Program 2019-2021, which has
as a purpose to form alliances to collaborate in the planning of the programs
focused on the elderly in each municipality. In addition, they expressed that they aspire to
turn the state into an example at the national level on the issue of promoting
aging culture. Well, they seek to involve all sectors of the
population in improving the quality of life of the elderly, where

a society is built in which they can live with dignity and well-being, where
In addition, they are autonomous and their decisions are respected.

In Nuevo Leon there are
older adults

which represent the

of the state's population
It is considered the

been with

greatest hope

of life

of all the

Mexican republic


INAPAM. (2015). Demographic, Epidemiological and Social Profile of the Adult Population
Mayor in the Country, a Public Policy Proposal. National Institute of People
Older Adults. Mexico. Retrieved from the web: M
Cubero C. (2019). They invite you to the second edition of the Meeting 'Without Limits'. Millennium News.
Mexico. Obtained from the web:
IEPAM. (2019). State Institute for the Elderly. Government of the State of
New Lion. Mexico. Obtained from the web:



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