Guerrero has a population of older adults of 323,468, which represents 9.5% of the population of this state; 46.4% are men and 53.5% are women. This state has a population of 48,486 indigenous seniors, 70% of the senior population has their own home.
Antolín Orozco Luviano was born in Tlalchapa and is one of the main senior representatives of the culture of this city; At 68 years old he has published: ““Words that germinate”, book of poetry and fiction; participate in the anthology “Narrative in miscellany” and is co-author of the book “Aces of Tierra Caliente”. He is a cultural promoter and participates in the Southern Cultural Project, he is the editorial coordinator of Ediciones Oro. He praises Tlalchapa and its people because their songs are performed by groups of elderly people from the same region. Antolín has participated in the founding of the newspapers Ahora, Tiempo del Sur and El Sur.
In Guerrero there are
They represent the
of the total population.
Percentage of men
Percentage women
Number of indigenous older people
Only the
has its own home.
- INAPAM (2015) Demographic, Epidemiological and Social Profile of the Elderly Population in the Country, a Public Policy Proposal. INAPAM. Mexico. Obtained on the web: MAYORES POR ESTADO CD1.pdf
- INEGI (2010) Tell me. INEGI. Mexico. Obtained on the web:
- Antolín Orozco Luviano – Author details – Encyclopedia of Literature in Mexico – FLM – CONACULTA. (2020). Retrieved 29 September 2020, from,en%20el%20estado%20de%20Guerrero.
- Cultura Tlalchapa. (2020). Retrieved 29 September 2020, from
- Obra publicada – Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México – FLM – CONACULTA. (2020). Retrieved 3 October 2020, from
- Manzano Añorve, M. (2020). El paisaje rural en tres poetas de Tierra Caliente. Retrieved 3 October 2020, from
- (2020). Retrieved 3 October 2020, from