According to official figures, the State of Chihuahua in the year 205 inhabited 282
1,725 ​​older adults who represent 8.3% of its total population.
The Doctor Belisario Domínguez municipality is the one with the largest population of
older adults with 30.8%. And among so many people who live in it, there was
man named Lorenzo Parra Estrada (1917-1987), who in his old age was a
prominent journalist.
Since 1934, when he was 20 years old, he wrote in "La Voz de Chihuahua",
Later, in 1940, he joined the XELG radio station in Juárez. For him
year 1953, at the age of 36, he began his long career in "El Heraldo de
Chihuahua” publishing three weekly articles, he also collaborated in the newspaper
of "Temochi" and later was a correspondent for the magazine "Tiempo", where he collaborated
for more than 30 years. He died in 1987 at the age of 73, being a
illustrious character and leaving a great journalistic legacy for this municipality, which
composed, mainly by older adults.
However, there are more people who have stood out. Such is the case of Martin
Luis Guzmán, who was born in 1887 in the municipality of Chihuahua, is considered
one of the pioneers in the revolutionary novel, he wrote several books but
He stood out for his work "Historical Deaths" that he wrote in 1958 at the age of 71
of age, as this earned him the National Prize for Literature.
Another prominent character was Alfonso Escárcega Terrazas, who was born in the year
1917 in the municipality of Hidalgo del Parral, he wrote at least 800 articles
journalistic, and from the year 1948 when he was 31 years old, until 1984, the year in which
died at 67 years of age, wrote "Gajos de Historia Chihuahuense" themselves
that were published in El Heraldo de Chihuahua.
The case of these people has shown us that to stand out it is only about
matter of attitude, because it doesn't matter how many years you have of doing things if you don't
the desire More if you dedicate yourself to something you like and enjoy. That is why
we must be the impulse so that more older adults
fulfill their dreams, because only in this way will we make them feel that they live
worthily and fully. Without forgetting that it is important to preserve the historical legacy
that older people leave, as it is part of our history.

In Chihuahua there is
older adults

which represent the

of the state's population
Alfonso Escarcega


born in


in the municipality of

Hidalgo del Parral,

wrote at least

800 journalistic articles

The municipality of

Dr. Belisarius


is the one that concentrates the most

population of

older adults

with a


Chihuahua's Window to the World. (2008). Origin of the Written Press in Chihuahua.
Chihuahua, Mexico. Com. Mexico. Retrieved from the web:
Chihuahua's Window to the World. (2008). Alfonso Escarcega Terrazas. chihuahua
Mexico. Com. Mexico. Retrieved from the web:
INAPAM. (2015). Demographic, Epidemiological and Social Profile of the Adult Population
Mayor in the Country, a Public Policy Proposal. National Institute of People
Older Adults. Mexico. Retrieved from the web:



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