There are 345,461 seniors, which represents 7.2% of the total senior population nationwide.

Number of municipalities: 118

How many older men? 171 889 48%

How many older women? 173,992 51.9%

Sector of activity that contributes the most to the state GDP: Trade

Municipality: San Cristóbal de las Casas

5.3% of the population are elderly

Did you know that in the municipality of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, the Tzotzil people live where they conceive old age as a sign of authority and the oldest man is the one who controls the rest of the family?

That's right, the older man is also the owner of the land and organizes agricultural activities, spending his life growing crops of corn, beans and wheat, and between orchards of peaches, apples, pears, avocados and bananas. This state contributes 1.8% of the national GDP.

The inhabitants of the Tzotzil people conceive the world as a whole, life develops on the surface of heaven and earth while dreams live in the other heaven-earth.

These men are characteristic for wearing short pants, a woven shirt and a hat decorated with colored ribbons, in their own language they call themselves "real men".

Life expectancy in Chiapas for men is 69 years and for women it is 75 years, 17% of the population is retired and 55% have social security.

Elderly people in Chiapas are quite active, since 60% of the population walks, 18% does yoga, and 8% plays basketball.

In Chiapas there is
older adults

which represent the

of the state's population
Percentage of older people
In 2019 in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, a physical rehabilitation area for older adults was delivered in the Gerontological Center with an investment of 88,000 pesos, thanks to projects such as this that improve the quality of life of older people. These Gerontological Centers make older people feel comfortable and happier, as Alfonso Ortiz Moreno, a beneficiary of one of these Gerontological Centers, said "I am happy here because I see that they love me", these centers are also improving the physical and mental health of this people.

In 2019 in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, a physical rehabilitation area for older adults was delivered in the Gerontological Center with an investment of 88,000 pesos, thanks to projects such as this that improve the quality of life of older people. These Gerontological Centers make older people feel comfortable and happier, as Alfonso Ortiz Moreno, a beneficiary of one of these Gerontological Centers, said "I am happy here because I see that they love me", these centers are also improving the physical and mental health of this people.

Life expectancy is
75 years

for women and
69 years

for men

INAPAM (2015) Demographic, Epidemiological and Social Profile of the Elderly Population in the Country, a Public Policy Proposal. INAPAM. Mexico. Obtained on the web:

INEGI (2010) Tell me. INEGI. Mexico. Obtained on the web:

INEGI (2010) Sociodemographic profile of older adults in Mexico. INEGI. Mexico. Retrieved from the web:

Secretary of Tourism. Tzotzil. Obtained on the web



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