In Baja California Norte there are 215,854 older adults who make up 6.8% of the state's population, 54% are women and 45.9% are men. Life expectancy for women is 77 years while for men it is 70 years; 8% of older adults live in the municipality of Mexicali.

In Mexicali, the Ministry of Culture identified and nominated older adults who are considered "Living Human Treasure" of their region, for their contribution and community commitment to keep cultural practices and expressions in force in their communities, being carriers of intangible cultural heritage.

55% of the older adults in this state practice walking, and 18% practice swimming; 80% have some support program from the state government and 82% have their own home,

In Baja California Norte there are
older adults

which represent the

of the state's population
In 2019 in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, a physical rehabilitation area for older adults was delivered in the Gerontological Center with an investment of 88,000 pesos, thanks to projects such as this that improve the quality of life of older people. These Gerontological Centers make older people feel comfortable and happier, as Alfonso Ortiz Moreno, a beneficiary of one of these Gerontological Centers, said "I am happy here because I see that they love me", these centers are also improving the physical and mental health of this people.

Life expectancy
In 2019 in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, a physical rehabilitation area for older adults was delivered in the Gerontological Center with an investment of 88,000 pesos, thanks to projects such as this that improve the quality of life of older people. These Gerontological Centers make older people feel comfortable and happier, as Alfonso Ortiz Moreno, a beneficiary of one of these Gerontological Centers, said "I am happy here because I see that they love me", these centers are also improving the physical and mental health of this people.
In 2019 in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, a physical rehabilitation area for older adults was delivered in the Gerontological Center with an investment of 88,000 pesos, thanks to projects such as this that improve the quality of life of older people. These Gerontological Centers make older people feel comfortable and happier, as Alfonso Ortiz Moreno, a beneficiary of one of these Gerontological Centers, said "I am happy here because I see that they love me", these centers are also improving the physical and mental health of this people.

Life expectancy
of older people have their own home

and the

live in the municipality of

INAPAM (2015) Demographic, Epidemiological and Social Profile of the Elderly Population in the Country, a Public Policy Proposal. INAPAM. Mexico. Obtained on the web: MAYORES POR ESTADO CD1.pdf

INEGI (2010) Tell me. INEGI. Mexico. Obtained on the web:

Ministry of Culture. (2020). The Ministry of Culture summons Older Adults to apply as Living Human Treasures. GOBMX. Website:

The impartial. (2020). They summon older adults to apply as human living treasures. The impartial. Website:

The State Government, the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Culture of Baja California. (2020). LIVING HUMAN TREASURES. Secretary of Culture. Website:

Manuel Rosales Padilla. (2020). BC seniors are summoned to apply as “Human Living Treasures”. AIMX. Website:



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